About BOS

The Business Operating System (BOS) is a web application specifically crafted for small businesses. Its primary purpose is to streamline and automate the often laborious tasks that small business owners find burdensome. Comprising various standalone solutions, each app within BOS serves as a dedicated tool to enhance efficiency.

Our Goal

We aim to have BOS handle all the daily repetitive tasks you or your employees encounter. We achieve this by developing tailor-made software exclusively for your business, offered at no cost, with a minimal subscription fee. Ultimately, our objective is to introduce complete automation and harness the power of big data for small American businesses.

What we do

At BOSApps, we engage in personalized consultations to delve into the specifics of your business. Our focus is on identifying areas that can be enhanced through the use of BOS. Whether we have a pre-existing solution ready, the ability to tailor an existing one to meet your requirements, or the need to create a completely new solution from scratch, we are committed to addressing your unique needs.

  1. It's Now Possible To Track Your QR Codes

    We've chosen to develop our QR code system to offer a comprehensive solution to our clients. Currently, our system supports dynamic QR codes and links, complete with detailed scan analytics. Additionally, it includes features for generating QR codes for Wi-Fi access and events. This integrated solution ensures that our customers have everything they need for effective QR code management and analysis.

  2. BOS Started Offering Digital Displays

    The emergence of digital signage signaled a pivotal shift towards captivating customer attention. It became increasingly apparent that this medium would shape the future of advertising. BOS pioneered a revolutionary approach, enabling businesses to showcase their offerings in real-time. Through a unified dashboard, establishments could effortlessly exhibit their menus, specials, and upcoming events, heralding a new era of dynamic promotion.

  3. BOS Went Live For The First Time

    Despite encountering some challenges, BOS successfully processed real orders online. The partnership with La Strada Pizza proved invaluable as it allowed us to receive valuable feedback from the kitchen during order processing. This pivotal moment played a crucial role in fortifying BOS into a dependable online ordering platform.

  4. First Customer

    Following several months of development, BOS existed as a basic prototype—a client website lacking a client dashboard. Undeterred, the founder reached out to the first potential customer. Whether by luck or a testament to BOS's value, La Strada Pizza in Aberdeen, NJ, enthusiastically signed up. At the same time, La Strada Pizza has agreed to partner with BOSApps to help the further development of BOS.

  5. Commercial Development On BOS

    BOS underwent a strategic shift, directing its attention towards the food service industry. This choice stemmed from the observation that a significant portion of small businesses belonged to the restaurant sector, with many of them not leveraging software for their operations. A pivotal move in this transformation involved the recruitment of a software developer to expedite the development process.

  6. BOS Began As A College Project.

    "Being a computer science major, I had to fulfill a final project requirement before graduation. That's when I conceptualized BOS, short for Business Operating System. The ambitious objective was to develop a web application for automating small businesses. Initially, I narrowed it down to a time clock system. Completing the project ahead of schedule left me bored, so I built a website for it and came up with the company name BOSApps." - (Jonathan Madden) founder